Dental Exam In Toronto


About Dental Exams

Receiving regular dental examinations allows you to take an active role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. A yearly oral exam at Teeth And Beauty looks for tooth caries, gum disease, oral cancer, and numerous other conditions that could be hurting your dental health. Usually offered at dental cleaning visits, oral exams allow our dentists to evaluate the teeth, gum tissues, bite position, TMJ, and various other oral structures and may make way for the prompt identification and care of oral issues. If you want to maintain the wellness and beauty of your teeth, schedule an annual dental examination at our practice today.

What Should I Expect At My Appointment? 

Dental exams at our office will begin by reviewing your dental record. At specific yearly checkups, x-rays may be performed to evaluate the health of your teeth and bone structures. We might also check for oral cancer, evaluate the alignment of your bite, and check your temporomandibular joints. A gum assessment will also be conducted to look for potential symptoms of periodontal disease. Having optimal oral hygiene practices (such as meticulous brushing two times per day and flossing daily) may help to minimize your likelihood of having cavities and gum disease. 

What Are The Benefits?

Regular dental exams at Teeth And Beauty give our patients a number of dental health benefits, including: 

● Baseline of your dental health can be established 

● Any new or chronic tooth complaints can be examined 

● X-rays and other diagnostic examinations can be performed

● Extended health and lifetime for your smile 

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Teeth + Beauty Reviews

Amazing cleaning and overall experience! Beautiful office, professional service, and Emily is so friendly and knowledgeable! 10/10 would recommend.
— KD

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