Dental Services

  • Dental Exam

    Yearly comprehensive dental exams are recommended to assess your oral health, check for signs of gum disease, and diagnose any problems early on.

  • Dental Cleaning

    Dental cleanings consist of using special instruments to clean the teeth by scraping away plaque and tartar buildup so your teeth will look and feel healthier.

  • Dental Fillings

    Dental Fillings (sometimes called tooth-fillings) are made of a durable, composite resin material that blends well with your natural teeth.

  • Composite Bonding & Contouring

    Performed in one visit, composite bonding and contouring can improve cracks, chips, gaps, tooth length, discoloration, and other cosmetic flaws.

  • Teeth Whitening

    We offer Teeth Whitening as a safe, in-office, non invasive, one hour treatment that can completely brighten up your smile.

  • Emergency Dental Care

    We provide quick, emergency dental care to treat oral injuries and dental trauma, such as cracked or broken teeth, lost fillings and tooth pain.

  • Mouth Guards

    A custom-made mouth guard is a comfortable solution to protect your teeth and prevent dental injuries during sports and athletic activities.

  • Night Guards

    Jaw clenching and teeth grinding during sleep can lead to headaches and jaw pain, but a custom night guard could help alleviate these problems.

  • Inlays And Onlays

    Dental inlays and onlays are custom-made restorations that cover a wider area of the tooth than a filling but are not as extensive as a crown.

  • Fluoride Treatment

    Fluoride treatments involve using a topical formula that is applied directly to the teeth, which helps prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay.

  • Itero Imaging

    State-of-the-art oral imaging technology provides a 3D picture of your teeth, bones and jaw so your dentist can assess your overall oral health.

  • Dentures

    Dentures are custom-made to replicate your natural teeth and gums following tooth loss, helping you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.