Lip Filler In Toronto


About Lip Filler

Lip filler restores or adds volume to the lips in order to enhance your smile and balance your facial appearance. The goal of this cosmetic treatment is to make the lips and mouth area “pop” without looking unnatural or over-filled. 

At Teeth And Beauty we understand that creating full, proportionate lips often requires more than increasing volume. Our approach to lip augmentation involves refining the shape and size of the lips to match the individual patient’s vision, as well as addressing signs of aging in the lower face. 

Are Lip Injections Right For You?

Lip injections can benefit both men and women looking to reshape their lips or add subtle fullness around the mouth. The individuals that reap the most significant rewards from lip fillers tend to have the following aesthetic goals: 

● Increase lip size or add subtle volume to the lips 

● Create definition to the mouth that has been lost over time 

● Correct asymmetries to the lips 

● Smooth away vertical lines above the lips (known as lipstick or smokers lines) At Teeth And Beauty we will assess your situation to determine whether lip fillers will be the best way to help you achieve these goals.

Preparing For Your Filler

When performed by an experienced injector, temporary and permanent lip injections are a safe and straightforward process. However, there are steps you can take before your treatment to increase your likelihood of a complication-free procedure. At Teeth And Beauty we may recommend the following to minimize bruising and swelling risk: 

● Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications before your therapy since these can increase your bleeding and bruising risk slightly. Substances in this category include naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin. 

● Some supplements can have a similar effect to the medications listed above. Talk to our Doctor if you take fish oil, vitamin E or St. John’s Wort. We may recommend stopping these substances for a few days before your treatment as well. Do not smoke in the days leading up to your injections. Nicotine works as a vasoconstrictor, which may create a higher risk for bleeding and bruising during and after your treatment. 

● Hydrate well before your procedure to ensure your skin is in its healthiest possible state before your injections are administered.

You may have additional recommendations based on your medical history or specific concerns. The closer you follow this advice, the more likely it is that your treatment will be safe, comfortable and successful. 

Treatment Overview

Lip fillers can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour to complete, allowing for time for the numbing medication to take effect before the injections are administered. Most patients will require a single syringe of Juvederm to achieve the results they want, although this can vary depending on the condition of your lips. Many patients find this procedure is not nearly as painful as they might have feared. Teeth And Beauty takes numerous precautions to make your experience as painless as possible. These steps include topical numbing cream, ice packs and an injectable numbing medication.

After Your Lip Injections

You will be able to return to your activities immediately following your lip injections. However, you may find your lips become swollen temporarily, sometimes up to one week, with accompanying bruising. Swelling can often be confused with a less-than-stellar result, so we encourage patients to wait a week to let that swelling subside before determining whether the outcome meets their expectations. In cases where excessive swelling occurs, or the patient does not like their results, Juvederm can be dissolved within minutes using a special dissolving agent. 

Once the swelling goes down completely, you should see subtle fullness to your lips that enhances your appearance without belying the fact you had lip injections. The results of a dermal filler treatment typically last six months or longer. If you want to maintain your new look indefinitely, you will need to schedule regular treatment sessions at our office. 

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Amazing cleaning and overall experience! Beautiful office, professional service, and Emily is so friendly and knowledgeable! 10/10 would recommend.
— KD

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