Oxygeneo In Toronto


What Is Oxygeneo?

OxyGeneo® is an innovative technology for skin exfoliation (removal of dead skin cells from the skin surface), improving skin oxygen levels and infusion of valuable products to enrich the skin. The simultaneous skin exfoliation along with skin oxygenation optimizes the absorption of the valuable components in the nutrient-rich gels into the skin.

How Do Oxygeneo Facials Work?

The Geneo 3-in-1 Super Facial works via a comprehensive 3-step process. Each step is administered with absolute care and precision to give you the results you’re looking for. The process is safe for all skin types, painless, gentle, and can be used on sensitive skin conditions.

  1. Exfoliate. The Capsugen tablet exfoliates the upper skin layer to remove dead cells, smooth and renew your skin, preparing it to receive active nutrients.

  2. Infuse. Capsugen® cleanses the skin, preparing it for infusion of active ingredients: NeoRevive™ for rejuvenation and anti-aging or NeoBright™ for skin brightening and texture improvement.

  3. Oxygenate. The Geneo effect produces CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin surface. This creates a physiological response, sending oxygen-rich blood to the area to increase capillary flow and skin metabolism. Oxygenation results in optimal absorption of active ingredients.

What Results Can I Expect?

The Oxygeneo facial delivers amazing anti-aging results after just one treatment! While results can be noticeable after the session, several sessions may be necessary to reap the full benefits of this procedure. At Teeth And Beauty, we’re dedicated to your long-term support. If you’re interested in follow-up sessions, we urge you to get in touch with us and schedule an appointment today!

Oxygeneo Benefits

Skin Plumping & Hydrating

  • Restored Skin Volume

  • Renewed Youthful Glow

  • Increase collagen production

  • Reduced hyper-pigmentation

  • Reduce wrinkles

  • Safe for all skin types

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Teeth + Beauty Reviews

Amazing cleaning and overall experience! Beautiful office, professional service, and Emily is so friendly and knowledgeable! 10/10 would recommend.
— KD

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